
Lightweight, formal code review

See how you can collaborate with your team to ship high quality code.

Code review tool

Catch major defects, improve code architecture, or discuss desired improvements with formal, workflow-based, or quick code reviews.

Inline discussions

Collaborate right in your code with inline comments, threaded conversations, and mentions.

Activity streams

Follow exactly what's happening throughout your projects in real time with activity streams showing recent comments and review updates. 

Code smarter, ship faster


Jira Software integration

Automatically update Jira Software issues based on review activity and or turn review comments into issues with one click.


Pre-commit reviews

Review code before check in and ensure any code going into production has been reviewed.


Real-time notifications

Stay on top of all the activity in your projects with personalized notifications and review reminders.


Charts and reports

Keep stakeholders informed with charts and code metrics that show lines of code (LOC) committed, top committers, the volume of changes on the project through its history, and more.


Audit and compliance

Access all code review details, down to the history of a specific code review and have traceability with issues and source code if you are utilizing Jira Software and Fisheye.


Iterative reviews

Ensure all files you are reviewing are current as code is re-factored and changed throughout the review process.

Collaborative code review