
Jira automation templates for Slack or Microsoft Teams

Jira and Slack work beautifully together. However, add automation and you have a game changer. Reduce the noise in Slack, spend less time searching for issues in Jira and add more transparency with these templates.

Although we focus on Slack here, for Microsoft folk, you can just as easily swap the MS Teams action in and use the same automation rules.

Slack and Microsoft Teams Logos showing how they work with Jira automation
Jira and Slack logos

Daily Slack summary

Send a daily Slack summary of Jira issues left in the backlog.

Jira and setting alerts in Slack

High Priority alerts

Message Slack room when a high priority issue is raised.

Jira logo

Celebrate milestones

Whenever the last story is completed in Jira, send a celebratory message to the Slack room.

Jira logo

Gentle reminders

Whenever an issue is about to breach SLA, send a Slack message to the team.

Jira logo

Customer feedback in Slack

Send weekly Slack message with collated customer feedback.

Jira logo

Daily pulse

Send a daily Slack message with issues left to do in the Sprint.

Learn more about how you can use Slack and Jira automation together.

How to use the Lookup Issues action to surface lists of Jira issues in Slack

How other customers use Jira and Slack together

One page with all helpful Jira automation resources

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