
Quickly create new spaces with the right permissions

When starting a new team, project, or client engagement, you can create dedicated spaces in Confluence to keep work organized and tidy.   

As an admin, you'll need to set up and manage these spaces to ensure teams can get started efficiently. However, this process can be cumbersome, particularly when it comes to configuring permissions to ensure appropriate access, safeguarding content, and managing other details.

create new spaces

What are copy space permissions?

Admins can use copy space permissions to quickly copy permissions from one space to a new space, preventing mistakes and ensuring uniform permissions across all spaces. 

This feature streamlines the setup of new spaces, saving admins time and reducing errors by simplifying the permissions process and ensuring consistency across all spaces. The ability to copy spaces gives you complete control over the growth and maintenance of your Confluence content, making it easier to scale your instance smoothly.

Pro Tip

Before copying a space, make sure you’ve informed other users that they shouldn’t make any changes to this space until you finish copying it. 

Get started with copy space permissions

To copy the space permissions configuration from another space:

  1. Go to the space that you’d like to change permissions for (not the space you want to copy permissions from).
  2. Select Space Settings from the sidebar.
  3. Select any option in the Space permissions card. This card is only visible if you’re a space admin.
  4. Under the Space permissions header, open the Copy permissions from another space dropdown menu.
  5. You can either search for a specific space or choose from your starred spaces.
  6. Select Apply.

Additional resources

What are space permissions?

How to copy space permissions