
Eliminate manual tasks with automations

The average worker wastes 19 working days per year on tasks that could be automated. 

What if you could help your teams save time by automating repetitive, manual tasks in Confluence?  This includes manually notifying teams with the latest updates, organizing content, updating permissions, and handling similar manual tasks—much of which could be streamlined through automations in Confluence.

Manual tasks

What are automations in Confluence?

Automation is the process of setting up a criteria or rule that automatically triggers an action when it occurs. The point of automation is to reduce the work around work. 

With automations in Confluence, you can now eliminate manual tasks, freeing up time for your teams to focus on more important work. Automation of workflows and tasks in Confluence increases your organization’s efficiency, quality of work, and bandwidth. 

For example, say your editor asks you to alert them each time a knowledge base page is ready for their review. Instead of manually sending a page status update to them via Slack or email, you can use automations in Confluence to automatically ping them with the update. Automating this workflow saves your team's time and ensures that any new content that requires review doesn’t slip through the cracks. 

Here are some other examples of how work smarter with automations in Confluence: 

  • Maintain a source of truth within Confluence by automatically archiving stale content or organizing in the right space  
  • Notify teams and keep work on track by sending an email or Slack notification when a task is approaching a due date  
  • Standardize processes by publishing the same set of key pages templates or tasks for a new space or project. 

To help reduce the admin burden and overhead, end users can now create smart buttons to set up and launch one-time automation rules on a page. 

Get started with automations in Confluence

Admins can easily get started with a pre-configured rule template, use the low-code/no-code rule builder, or use AI to create their own custom automation. 

The rule builder allows you to create a new rule from scratch (instead of using a template from the Library). It guides you through the process of adding and configuring components, starting with a triggering event. Each component you save will appear in a rule chain on the left. 

To create a rule in the rule builder:

  1. Go to your space and select Automation from the side navigation bar.
  2. Select the Create rule button in the top-right  
  3. Select a trigger, configure it (if needed), and save it.
  4. Select the component type (condition, branch, or action) you’d like to add next. Follow instructions to configure it (if needed) and save it.
  5. Continue adding components until your rule is complete.
  6. (Optional) Select Rule details to change default functionality settings (like Owner and Actor).
  7. Name your automation rule if you haven’t already.
  8. Select the Turn it on button to save and enable your rule.

To create a rule using AI:

  1. Go to your space and select Automation from the side navigation bar.
  2. Click on the input box beneath Start Automating with Atlassian Intelligence to begin typing.
  3. Describe the rule you’d like to create, including a trigger and action.  
  4. Select Preview rule to see a preview of the rule that was generated.
  5. Check the summary of the rule generated by Atlassian Intelligence, and add any missing components or details.
  6. Once you’re happy with your rule’s configuration, select Enable rule.
  7. Your rule will now be enabled and visible in the rule library.

Additional resources

Overview of Automations in Confluence

Making the most of your workday with Confluence Automation

How to create automation rules in Confluence